
Culturable diversity of Arctic phytoplankton during pack ice melting

Massive phytoplankton blooms develop at the Arctic ice edge, sometimes extending far under the pack ice. An extensive culturing effort was conducted before and during a phytoplankton bloom in Baffin Bay between April and July 2016. Different …

Temporal and spatial dynamics of Bacteria, Archaea and protists in equatorial coastal waters

Singapore, an equatorial island in South East Asia, is influenced by a bi-annual reversal of wind directions which defines two monsoon seasons. We characterized the dynamics of the microbial communities of Singapore coastal waters by collecting …

High contribution of Rhizaria (Radiolaria) to vertical export in the California Current Ecosystem revealed by DNA metabarcoding

Passive sinking of particulate organic matter (POM) is the main mechanism through which the biological pump transports surface primary production to the ocean interior. However, the contribution and variability of different biological sources to …

Bolidophyceae, a sister picoplanktonic group of diatoms - a review

Pico- and nano-phytoplankton (respectively, 0.2–2 and 2–20 μm in cell size) play a key role in many marine ecosystems. In this size range, Bolidophyceae is a group of eukaryotes that contains species with cells surrounded by 5 or 8 silica plates …

Chloropicophyceae, a new class of picophytoplanktonic prasinophytes

Prasinophytes are a paraphyletic group of nine lineages of green microalgae that are currently classified either at the class or order level or as clades without formal taxonomic description. Prasinophyte clade VII comprises picoplanktonic algae that …

Diversity and oceanic distribution of prasinophytes clade VII, the dominant group of green algae in oceanic waters

Prasinophytes clade VII is a group of pico/nano-planktonic green algae (division Chlorophyta) for which numerous ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences have been retrieved from the marine environment in the last 15 years. A large number of strains have also …

Short timescale dynamics of phytoplankton in Fildes Bay, Antarctica

Phytoplankton is responsible for most primary production in Antarctica, but the short timescale dynamics of its size structure and composition are poorly described and understood. The abundance and composition of phytoplankton in Fildes Bay, western …


Picophytoplankton Study of Carbon rates in Oligotrophic waters of the South Pacific Ocean.

Estimating microbial populations by flow cytometry: Comparison between instruments

For almost three decades, flow cytometry has allowed researchers to investigate ocean planktonic communities using size and cell fluorescence properties. However, oceanographic applications must face two constraints. First, when dealing with marine …

Pico and nanoplankton abundance and carbon stocks along the Brazilian Bight

Pico and nanoplankton communities from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean along the Brazilian Bight are poorly described. The hydrography in this region is dominated by a complex system of layered water masses, which includes the warm and oligotrophic …